Investigations into Asatru

A Critical Historiography


  • Joshua Rood



Asatru, Paganism, Heathenism, Contemporary religion, critical historiography


“Asatru”, the modern worship of the Heathen deities of Scandinavia and Northern Europe, is a relatively young, internationally developing religious phenomenon. Since the 1990’s researchers have gradually built a body of academic literature seeking to chronicle and contextualize Asatru’s multifaceted histories, beliefs, practices and social developments within the larger arena of Western societies. This critical historiography provides an over-view of the most influential extant research of Asatru and frames the developing academic discourse. The article shows that Asatru is a dynamic, heterogenous web of intersected movements which are both rapidly developing, and prone to the influences of overarching societal discourses, and that this is especially true of popular and academic discourses aimed at Asatru itself. This historiography serves as a landmark demonstrating where we have come so far as researchers with our study of and relationship with Asatru, and what steps we might consider taking in the future.  

Author Biography

Joshua Rood

Ph.D. student, University of Iceland


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How to Cite

Rood, J. . (2020). Investigations into Asatru: A Critical Historiography. AURA - Tidsskrift for Akademiske Studier Av nyreligiøsitet , 11(1), 81–95.


