PlaySpace (PS)
PlaySpace (PS) is an international, online, Open Access and peer-reviewed journal dedicated to critical perspectives on performance research.
AURA - Tidsskrift for akademiske studier av nyreligiøsitet
AURA er et fagfellevurdert tidsskrift for vitenskapelige artikler om feltet nyreligiøsitet og nye religiøse bevegelser.
Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society
The Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society are published annually and contains articles from the Nordic Rheology Conference.
AmS-Varia publishes both monographies and articles, mainly within the study of the relationship between humans and nature in the past.
AmS-Skrifter covers the field of archaeology, including various themes like archaeological method and theory, interdiciplinary studies, museology, heritage management, conservation studies, field work and practice.
Journal of Comparative Social Work
JCSW publishes articles on subjects of importance for social work with a special emphasis on comparative research.