Close but not too close. Distant but not too distant

Reflections on the client-social worker relationship from single mothers and social workers in Australia, USA, Canada, Russia and Norway


  • Siv Oltedal



welfare delivering systems, opinion about social workers and what is regarded as help, closeness in the relationship, discourse on “suitable social distance”


In this explorative and comparative article a suitable social distance in the client-social worker relationship will be in focus. When do clients need a social worker “as if she is a friend” and when do they appreciate a professional “as if she is a stranger”? How does context have an impact on what we see as legitimate relationships? We will be listening to voices on these issues from poor single mothers and social workers in five countries – Australia, USA, Canada, Russia and Norway.

Author Biography

Siv Oltedal

Professor, PhD
University of Stavanger


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How to Cite

Oltedal, S. (2009). Close but not too close. Distant but not too distant: Reflections on the client-social worker relationship from single mothers and social workers in Australia, USA, Canada, Russia and Norway. Journal of Comparative Social Work, 4(1), 71–88.




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