Building Healthy Northern Communities Through Strengthening Capacity


  • Glen Schmidt
  • Dawn Hemingway
  • Gerard Bellefeuille



This study examines and evaluates the effects of one-time funding on capacity building of health and social welfare organizations in a remote and northern section of British Columbia Canada. The Province of British Columbia awarded a two million dollar grant (Canadian) to the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC). Organizations applied for funds through a competitive process that was managed by the School of Social Work at UNBC. Twenty-five different community organizations and agencies received funding for a period of eighteen months. The organizations and agencies delivered a range of services and activities located in remote First Nations communities as well as the natural resource-based single industry towns of northern BC.

Author Biographies

Glen Schmidt

University of Northern British Columbia

Dawn Hemingway

Associate Professor
University of Northern British Columbia

Gerard Bellefeuille

Associate Professor
University of Northern British Columbia


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How to Cite

Schmidt, G., Hemingway, D., & Bellefeuille, G. (2012). Building Healthy Northern Communities Through Strengthening Capacity. Journal of Comparative Social Work, 7(1), 36–50.


