Exploring the Intersection of Culture and Education in Nunavik


  • Nicole Ives
  • Vandna Sinha
  • Dominique Leman
  • Robert Levy-Powell
  • Wendy Thomson




During the last century, Nunavik’s Inuit population has experienced social transformations which have manifested themselves in a range of social issues. Nunavik lies north of the 55th parallel in Quebec, Canada and is one of four regions in Canada that comprise Inuit Nunaat (Inuvialuit, Nunatsiavut, Nunavik, and Nunavut) – Inuit homeland. The Inuit are one of three distinct Indigenous groups in Canada as defined by the Constitution Act, 1982, with distinct cultural heritage and language. Community Capability and Development in Nunavik, a collaborative project between McGill School of Social Work researchers and an Advisory Committee composed of representatives from key Inuit institutions, explored social issues and community assets in Nunavik. This study sought to (a) provide a forum for community members to voice issues important to them; (b) inform policy development prior to the vote on regional government; and (c) increase the growth of community linkages that support research dissemination via a network of researchers, community members and organizations.

Author Biographies

Nicole Ives

Assistant Professor
School of Social Work, McGill University

Vandna Sinha

School of Social Work, McGill University

Dominique Leman


Robert Levy-Powell

Kativik School Board

Wendy Thomson

School of Social Work, McGill University


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How to Cite

Ives, N., Sinha, V., Leman, D., Levy-Powell, R., & Thomson, W. (2012). Exploring the Intersection of Culture and Education in Nunavik. Journal of Comparative Social Work, 7(1), 18–35. https://doi.org/10.31265/jcsw.v7i1.78




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