Is it all about the money?

- a study of specialized frontline work in the Norwegian social assistance service




Social assistance, Frontline work, NEETs, client-oriented work, Social Work, Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration


This article is about meetings between frontline workers in the Norwegian labour and welfare administration (NAV), and young people outside work or school - NEETs. This group often has few or no financial rights beyond financial social assistance, which is granted from the social services in NAV. One of NAV's intentions is to ensure a work-oriented focus and comprehensive follow-up across various benefits. Based on a qualitative study in five NAV offices, the article investigates how organizational measures, in this case the specialization of work tasks, which seeks to put work-oriented aspects in the foreground of service provision, and separate it from traditional casework on benefit decisions.  

The study consists of 14 observations of conversations between frontline workers and young social assistance recipients. Additionally, five focus group interviews were conducted with the frontline workers. The findings suggest that the frontline workers' follow-up appears fragmented, so that these young people can end up with up to three frontline workers at the same time, who are respectively responsible for finances, work and follow-up.  This specialization can have implications for the quality of the service provision, and it seems that the nature and dynamics of social problems are not taken into account.

Author Biographies

Michaela Nilsen

PhD Candidate
Department of Social Work, Oslo Metropolitan University

Heidi Moen Gjersøe

Faculty of Social Studies, VID Specialized University
Department of Social Work, Oslo Metropolitan University

Lise Cecilie Kleppe

Associate Professor, Head of Studies
Faculty of Social Sciences, Oslo Metropolitan University


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How to Cite

Nilsen, M., Gjersøe, H. M., & Kleppe, L. C. (2025). Is it all about the money? - a study of specialized frontline work in the Norwegian social assistance service . Journal of Comparative Social Work, 19(2), 145–177.