Internationalizing Higher Education
Challenges and Possibilities for Social Work Education
Why are institutions of higher education interested in internationalization? The question was asked at a faculty meeting in our university college. A variety of arguments and opinions were expressed. Many “when”, “what”, “how”, “who” and “why” questions were asked. Some arguments were normative and altruistic emphasizing the need of helping to develop countries in improving their educational system, others took a more ideological stand explaining internationalization within a neo-liberal and globalized frame, and some arguments emphasized the importance of a comparative approach to improve the quality of national education.
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Knight, Jane (2003): “Updating the Definition of Internalization” see org/avp/soe/cihe
Knight, Jane (2004): “New Rationales Driving Internationalization”, see bc-org/avp/soe/cihe
Mitchie, J.. (ed.): 2003): The Handbook of Globalization. Edward Elgar
Palier, B. and Robert Sykes (2001): “Challenges and changes: Issues and Perspectives in the Analysis of Globalization and the European Welfare States” in Sykes, Palier and Prior: Globalization and European Welfare States. Challenges and Change. Palgrave.
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