Assessment in Child Protection

social workers' voices in England and Norway


  • Vibeke Samsonsen
  • Elisabeth Willumsen



Accountability, assessment model, Child Protection, England-Norway, professional judgment, social workers


Good quality assessment in Child Protection is crucial to ensure adequate protection and provision. This article explores social workers` experiences with two different Child Protection assessment models: the “professional judgment model”, exemplified by Norway, and the “structured assessment model”, exemplified by England. The aim is to explore the experiences of social workers who carry out assessments in England and Norway, and compare and discuss these experiences in light of “accountability” theory.

Author Biographies

Vibeke Samsonsen

Research Fellow
University of Stavanger

Elisabeth Willumsen

University of Stavanger


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How to Cite

Samsonsen, V., & Willumsen, E. (2014). Assessment in Child Protection: social workers’ voices in England and Norway. Journal of Comparative Social Work, 9(1), 59–92.


